Our Test & Measurement instruments not only provide superior performance and reliability, but also offer the greatest flexibility across applications.
BDSI distributes Krohn-Hite test and measurement equipment because since 1949 Krohn-Hite products have proven to be some of the most reliable in the world – from manufacturing to laboratory, Jet Engine Testing, Oil and Gas exploration, Wind tunnel testing, Anti-Aliasing filtering, Medical equipment testing and more. New and redefined techniques in circuit design and packaging are incorporated, using carefully selected components and materials. All products are completely tested and must conform to the strictest of standards to ensure perfect performance. View the short form here.

- DC & AC Voltage/Current Source / Calibrator
- Wideband Power Amplifiers
1, 2 & 4 Channels Benchtop Filters
- Benchtop/Programmable Filters
- Plug-in Filters Cards and Chassis
- Fixed frequency filter systems
- Precision phasemeter
- Distortion Analyzer
- Function generator
- RC oscillator ultra low distortion